Top 10k strings from Sidney Affair, The (1987)(Infogrames).tap
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6 3 ;" " 2 s$=b$(w1*t+1 2 adme=adem+1 2 adem=adpho+1 2 addo=adme+1 2 THEO DEVIL-6513841 2 #@!!$$@&*] 2 l 1 ~~~>>NNLL,, 1 ~|\LLL,,,(((,$ 1 v$=" CONGRATULATIONS": 1 v$=" BALLISTICS": 1 v$=" STATEMENT": 1 v$=" AUTOPSY": 1 s$="Research ---------": 1 s$="P = printer"+ 1 s$="ORIG "+C$: 1 s$="Department of NATIONAL POLICE": 1 s$="DEST GIE CLERMONT-FD": 1 s$="CLERMONT "+v$: 1 s$="ADDRESSEE NOT KNOWN": 1 s$="ADDRESSEE NOT APPLICABLE" 1 s$="-------- ---------": 1 c$="GIE ST-CHELY": 1 b$="Hey, Boss, aren't you/ awake yet ?": 1 adpho=par: 1 adpho=65400 1 You lack enough evidence to support your suspicions." 1 Whose statement ?" 1 Who do you want to arrest ?" 1 Which examination ?" 1 Where can this person be found ?" 1 UPURURURURURURURUPUZUPUR 1 This arrest is not sufficient." 1 THE SIDNEY" 1 THE REST"'" OF THE ASSHOLES...."'" PRIXEL-FRIXEL-KRAXEL FREAKS"'" THE DALTON BROTHERS (G&G&G)"'" MAPS ETC. HO,HO,HO !!!"'" A.S.S (A SOFT COMPANY)"'" THE AMSTRAD ""HACKER"" ..ITSAS" 1 SYDNEY 1 S+U._?_?_?_ 1 S$=".STOP.": 1 P = printer" 1 Of no interest." 1 ORIG GIE CLERMONT-FD" 1 GzBBWWGWWG 1 GWWGGWBGGGWWWGG 1 GOOOGGOGWWWGG 1 FUTURESOFT 1 Correlation of evidence with whom ?" 1 CIIIKMKMKU[5; 1 A miscarriage of justice would be unforgiveable." 1 ;"TO LOAD SECOND PART" 1 ;"START OF SIDE 2" 1 ;"SIDSCR2" 1 ;"POSITION TAPE AT"; 1 ;"NOW PRESS ANY KEY"; 1 ;"INVESTIGATIONS!" 1 ;"GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR"; 1 ;"AND START TAPE"; 1 ;" to review the scenes " 1 ;" the investigation, " 1 ;" scene of the crime. " 1 ;" on your care.... " 1 ;" of crime, press 'R'. " 1 ;" investigation depends " 1 ;" examined every time " 1 ;" before you leave the " 1 ;" _____________________ " 1 ;" To leave this part of " 1 ;" The course of the " 1 ;" Otherwise, if you wish" 1 ;" M1 ""HACKERS..."" HA,HA,HA."'" SILLY BILLY YOU, 1 ;" All evidence must be " 1 ;" press 'ENTER'. " 1 ;" ": 1 --------------------------" 1 "kill anyone for enough money./I gave him 30,000 francs to/kill Sidney on the day I was in/Lyon. Which is what he did." 1 "and kept the rest handy to have/some fun." 1 "You tell me that you have found/my fingerprints on a window in/the flat that the shot was/fired from." 1 "You insist that the cartridge/found in the room came from my/rifle." 1 "Wallet with driving licence,ID and Visa cards of James Sidney, married with 2 children and living at 5 St James Square,Clermont." 1 "WITNESS","JEANNOT","ESTRADE","RENARD","ROBERT","MRS","SIDNEY","MARIANNE" 1 "Up till now, I have been unable/to confirm his suspicions." 1 "Tino di Nallo, salesman,/Dores Square,/Cournon (63)" 1 "The day before yesterday he/called a cab to take him to/Blatin Street, Clermont." 1 "The author congratulates you on solving this mystery. You showed perseverance, intelligence, and an ability for police work in clearing up 'The Sidney Affair'." 1 "The absence of burn marks and/powder traces around the entry/point indicate that the bullet/was fired from a distance in/excess of 5 metres." 1 "THE BALLISTIC REPORT CONFIRMS/THAT IT IS THE WEAPON USED IN/THE SIDNEY SHOOTING." 1 "Sylvie Sidney,/St James Square,/Clermont (63)" 1 "Spent cartridge, 7x64, still smelling of cordite." 1 "SERGEANT","PEGGY","GACHET","SERVANT","SEEK","LAJOIE","CARETAKER" 1 "Robert Renard,/336 Blatin Street,/Clermont (63)//- Private Detective//- Mr Sidney hired me to watch/his wife as he suspected her/of being unfaithful." 1 "Peggy Gachet, house keeper,/St James Square,/Clermont (63)" 1 "Patrick Languille, unemployed,/Hotel 'Gevaudan',/St-Chely (4 1 "PATRICK LANGUILLE, A.K.A/SERGEANT, SENTENCED TO/ONE YEAR IMPRISONMENT/FOR THE ILLEGAL POSSESS-/ION OF ARMS (4TH/CATEGORY), AFFAIR DEALT/WITH BY CIAT CLERMONT." 1 "PATRICK LANGUILLE WAS/DETAINED FOR STREET/FIGHTING. HE WAS FOUND/TO BE CARRYING A 357/MAGNUM AND HE NEVER/REVEALED WHERE HE GOT/THE GUN FROM." 1 "PATRICK LANGUILLE IS NOT/WANTED BY ANY FORCE AT/PRESENT." 1 "OUR UNIT HAS JUST QUEST-/IONED PATRICK LANGUILLE/WHILE CARRYING OUT A/ROUTINE TRAFFIC ENQUIRY./HE IS AVAILABLE AT OUR/STATION IF YOU REQUIRE/HIM." 1 "ON THE 24TH SEPTEMBER HE PAID/20,000 FRANCS INTO HIS BANK/ACCOUNT." 1 "Marianne Sidney (nee Dupuis),/St James Square,/Clermont (63)" 1 "Ludovic Sidney, student,/St James Square,/Clermont (63)" 1 "Jeannot Estrade,/Republic Square,/Clermont (63)." 1 "JAMES","BLATIN","JADE","DORES","CIAT","GIE","CRRJ","BDRJ","CLERMONT","CHELY","LYON","AUTOPSY","BALLISTIC","DG" 1 "I was out of work so I accepted./I found an unoccupied flat/opposite Sidney's route to work/and broke in. Then I waited." 1 "I took the picture you found./It is Mrs Sidney with her lover." 1 "I saw a man running from No. 9/carrying a large sports holdall. He ran off in the direction of/the main road." 1 "Hubert Decol, Solicitor,/Jade Place,/Clermont (63)" 1 "Henri Lajoie, caretaker,/St James Square,/Clermont (63)" 1 "HIS FINGERPRINTS CORRESPOND TO/THOSE FOUND IN THE FLAT." 1 "HE WITHDREW 30,000 FRANCS IN/CASH FROM HIS BANK ACCOUNT ON/THE 20TH OF SEPTEMBER." 1 "HE WAS A ROOM-MATE OF PATRICK/LANGUILLE." 1 "HE SMOKES CAMEL CIGARETTES." 1 "HE SERVED IN THE SAME REGIMENT/AS TINO DI NALLO." 1 "HE OWNS AN AUTOMATIC 7 X 64/ REMINGTON RIFLE." 1 "HE HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED BY THE/WITNESS, ESTRADE." 1 "DAUGHTER","SYLVIE","SON","LUDOVIC","TINO","NALLO","DECOL","HUBERT","PATRICK","LANGUILLE" 1 "Contents include a diary with entries: Maitre Decol, Jade Place, Clermont J.Renard, (7) 803 1846" 1 "Cigarette butt, marked CAMEL, stubbed out in the plant-pot." 1 "COMPARISON WITH TINO DI NALLO./" 1 "Black and white photograph, impossible to identify the kissing couple." 1 "AT THE TIME OF THE MURDER HE WAS/IN LYON." 1 "A locked brief- case, marked SJ." 1 "A key with the initials SJ." 1 "A fingerprint on the window." 1 "A bullet hole in the house wall." 1 "/You will now be promoted - Ready for your next case." 1 "/You have already interrogated/me and I have nothing further/to add." 1 "/With the telescopic sights on my/rifle, I had no trouble in/hitting the target with a/single shot. Then I ran away/with my rifle in a sports bag.//I put some money in the bank" 1 "/This photo doesn't bother me at/all. It's easy to see that/this young lady has long hair,/while mine is short." 1 "/The victim, James Sidney, died/from perforation of the cranium/ and partial destruction of the/ brain. The projectile pierced/ the front and exited close to/ the Rachidean Bulb./ - Death was instantaneous." 1 "/The autopsy of the victim con-/cludes that it was a long range/shot, and our ballistic report/confirms this." 1 "/The 7 x 64 calibre cartridge/found in the appartment was/fired from the Remington rifle/belonging to Languille." 1 "/The 7 x 64 calibre cartridge/discovered was fired from a/long-range, automatic weapon." 1 "/Since Tino has talked, I admit/it. I threw the Camel cigarette/butt in the vase and the/cartridge came from my rifle./Tino offered me 30,000 francs/to kill Sidney." 1 "/One day Tino told me about a/friend of his from the/ Regiment, called 'Sergeant'./He was the best shot in the/Company." 1 "/Mr Sidney was a quiet man who/always gave me a tip when I/called a cab for him from my/house." 1 "/Mr Sidney placed his divorce/file with me. It was suggested/by his wife and he asked me/to draw it up." 1 "/Ludovic is talking rubbish./I don't know this 'Sergeant' he/is talking about." 1 "/It could be Mrs Sidney in this/photo, because she has recently/had her hair cut." 1 "/In this photo I recognise my/mother with a family friend,/Tino di Nallo." 1 "/I was responsible for the murder/of Marianne's husband./He didn't want the divorce to/take place so I decided to kill/him. I contacted Patrick who/had often told me that he would" 1 "/I think Mr Sidney wanted to hire/a private detective, but I/don't know why." 1 "/I know Tino very well, he is/quite often at the house. I get/on well with him, and he often/ talks about his National/ Service and about motorbikes." 1 "/I ignored the fact that my/husband hired a private eye to/watch me." 1 "/I heard a gunshot and saw a man/fall down. A few minutes later" 1 "/I have seen Tino di Nallo quite/often during the last six/months, but this has nothing/to do with my husband's death./Tino lives in Dores Square,/Cournon." 1 "/I have nothing to say about/this affair." 1 "/I have nothing more to add, and/I am very tired since my/husband's death. Please don't/insist." 1 "/I have no information which/could be of any use in your/enquiries." 1 "/I have known Languille for a/long time, although I haven't/seen him for ages. I don't see/how he could be involved in/the murder of Sidney." 1 "/I have been in service for over/a year with the Sidney family/and I can't see anyone wanting/to kill my employer." 1 "/I don't recognise the people in/silhouette in this photo." 1 "/I don't know who could have/murdered my husband, or why./He was on his way to work when/it happened. He had no enemies." 1 "/I don't know either Tino di/Nallo or James Sidney./I have nothing to do with your/enquiries." 1 "/I don't have to explain where/the 20,000 francs in my bank/account came from." 1 "/I did my National Service in/1975 with the 91st Division/at Clermont." 1 "/I can't understand why my/father has been killed./Perhaps it was a mistake." 1 "/I can't believe that my father/has been murdered, he was such/a quiet man. All he wanted was/to have a happy family life." 1 "/I asked my husband for a/divorce, but he refused." 1 "/I am convinced that the man who/came from No. 9 a few minutes/after the murder was Patrick/Languille." 1 "/I admit having an affair with/Marianne for the last few/months. Since Marianne had/asked her husband for a divorce/I had no need to kill him. At/the time of his death I was/with some customers in Lyon." 1 "/From the information we have we/are able to deduce that the/shot was fired from the fourth/floor flat of No. 9, Republic/Square." 1 "/A short time before the murder/I had 30,000 francs in my/account, but I had some/gambling debts that I don't/wish to discuss." 1 "/ COMPARISON WITH/ PATRICK LANGUILLE./" 1 "+b$+x$+" " 1 " #@!!$$@&*" 1 ...IT WOZ 1 M = Message S = Statement " 1 E = Examination C = Comparison A = Arrest B 1 E = Examination C = Comparison A = Arrest " 1 !!! 7/4/87 1 ";